











書評被讚好(書評即使修改或刪除, 分數維持不變, 不用回復)




按時完成閱讀報告 / 豁免遲交




閱讀報告 - 報告得分數








新增書友 (每個)








借電子資源 (以ACNO計,只加一次)




借電子書 (以ACNO計,只加一次)






1. 學生必須使用個人八達通方可借書,每次外借為期十四天,可續借一次。

2. 不可將圖書轉借他人,亦不可以使用他人八達通借書。

3. 請於本館辦公時間使用借還服務,其他時間概不受理。

4. 不得攜帶任何飲/食物、書籍、袋(包括書包、功課袋)進入。貴重物品請自行妥善保管。

5. 在圖書館內應保持安靜,不可大聲喧嘩、飲食、嬉戲或損?館內公物。


7. 如發現同學影響圖書館秩序,其不當行為將會被警告及記錄,嚴重者將作紀律處分。

8. 如發現館內之書籍或物品有損?或破爛,學生須立即通知圖書館老師,以便修補。

9. 參考書、雜誌及報紙只可在館內閱讀,閱讀後須放回原處,不得攜出館外。






1. 借書期限

a. 幼稚園部學生-------------每週由老師帶領到圖書館借閱圖書,學生在一星期內退還書本,逾期罰款則在借書第十四天後才計算。

b. 小學部學生---------------十四天

c. 家長教師會會員---------十四天

d. 學生圖書館管理員-------十四天

e. 閱讀國樂會員-----------十四天

2. 借書限額

a. 幼稚園部學生-------------一本圖書

b. 小學部學生----------------兩本書或光碟

c. 家長教師會會員----------五本書或光碟

d. 學生圖書館管理員-------四本書或光碟

e. 閱讀國樂會員------------兩本書或光碟

3. 其他




1. 借書程序

a. 學生須根據圖書館開放時間表,到圖書館借閱圖書。

b. 學生必須使用本人的八達通,方可借閱圖書。

c. 選定圖書後,學生須到圖書館櫃檯辦理借書手續。

d. 借書手續:借書學生使用個人八達通拍卡,須待圖書館老師掃瞄書籍條碼,並於「還書日期紙」上蓋上還書日期。

2. 還書程序

a. 學生須根據「還書日期紙」上的日期,在當天或之前交還圖書,否則作逾期還書處理。

b. 學生須到圖書館櫃檯辦理還書手續。

c. 還書手續:學生須待圖書館老師掃瞄書籍上的條碼,並告知成功還書後,方可離開。

3. 續借圖書程序:學生須帶同書本或光碟,親臨圖書館辦理續借手續。



1. 過期還書

a. 凡未能在「還書日期紙」上所列日期當天或之前歸還圖書資料,均作逾期還書處理。

b. 圖書館老師會向學生發出「過期還書通知」,提醒學生立即還書。

c. 逾期還書超過兩星期將在手冊內打X乙次以作懲罰。

d. 逾期歸還圖書資料一天或不足一天,每項須罰款壹圓,最高罰款額為五十元 (不包括學校假期) 。

e. 圖書館老師會向學生發出「清繳罰款通知」,提醒學生盡快繳清罰款。

f. 學生必須在清繳罰款後,方能借閱圖書資料。

g. 學生須用個人八達通於校務處支付罰款,並在支付罰款後保留校務處所發之收據,以便翻查。

h. 學生不得使用個人八達通替他人支付罰款,如有發現,有關同學將會遭受紀律處分。

2. 損壞或遺失圖書



U 以上條款圖書館將保留最終決定及解釋權,如有任何疑問,請向圖書館老師查詢。



1. 問:讀者如何得知館內是否有需要的書籍?



2. 問:讀者想借的館藏包括了三隻光碟,但借書限額只有兩個,怎麼辦?



3. 問:讀者在還書箱中看見了一本想借的書籍,是否可從書箱中拿出來借閱?



4. 問:讀者借了圖書後,是否可再借予他人?



5. 問:讀者未辦理借書手續,是否可將書籍帶離圖書館?



6. 問:如老師/家長以其個人八達通替學生借書,但學生遺失了,老師/家長是否需要繳交罰款?



7. 問:如讀者沒有時間還書或借書,可否請其他人代為借還?



8. 問:如讀者發現書籍上的還書日期有誤,應如何處理?

答: 為免出現不必要的誤會,請即時通知圖書館職員更正。


9. 問:如學生直接將書籍放回書架,而未有到櫃檯經由圖書館職員辦理還書手續,該書籍會否當作已歸還?



10. 問:讀者可否在還書手續完成前離開?



11. 問:如讀者曾因遺失書籍而繳付了$50罰款,但其後尋獲該書,可否退還罰款?



12. 問:如讀者書籍逾期未還或未繳清罰款,是否可繼續使用借還服務?



13. 問:幼稚園學生在教師安排下借書,借書後並未將書籍帶回家閱讀,但還書時未能尋獲該書,圖書館將如何處理?



14. 問:學生在借書後不慎遺失書籍,圖書館職員/教師會否為他在校內尋找該書?



15. 問:讀者看見有同學在圖書館違反規則,應該怎麼辦?



16. 問:學生的個人八達通餘額不足,是否可以現金繳付罰款?



Library Regulations

A.      LibraryRegulations for Students

1.      Studentsmust borrow books with their Octopuscard. The library items can be loaned out for a maximum of 14 days and can berenewed once upon the due date. 

2.      Theborrowed library items cannot be lent to any other persons. A borrower shallnot borrow books with others’ Octopuscard.

3.      Studentsmay return the library items only during library opening hours.

4.      Food,books, bags (including school bags, homework bags) are not allowed in thelibrary. Valuable belongings should be kept with you at all times.

5.      Usersshall keep quiet when in the library. No shouting, eating, drinking, playing,or damage to library properties is allowed.

6.      Studentsmust observe safety at all times. No running, climbing, forceful removal ofbooks from shelves, moving of oversized/ too many books at one time is allowed.Should you need assistance, please seek help from the library teachers orlibrarians.

7.       If students arefound to have engaged in inappropriate behavior in the library, the student’smisbehavior will be recorded as a warning. For more severe cases, the studentinvolved will be subject to disciplinary action.

8.      Ifstudents found any damage to the library items, you should inform the libraryteacher immediately.

9.      Referencebooks, periodicals, and newspapers can only be read at the library and cannotbe borrowed. Please return these items to their shelves after reading.

10.    Students mustreturn the books to their original locations after reading. Do not put it inthe wrong locations.

11.   Studentsmust check all library items out before leaving the library.

12.   Studentsare required to show all their belongings to the librarians before leaving thelibrary.

B.     Regulations for borrowing

1.       Rentingperiod

a.      Kindergartenstudents-------------will be led by teachers to the library to borrow books.Students are required to return the books within one week. A fine will beimposed on the 15th day the book is borrowed.

b.      Primaryschool students---------------14 days

c.       Parent-teacherAssociation members---------14 days

d.      StudentLibrarians-------14 days

e.       ReadingParadise Members-----------14 days

2.       Borrowingquota

a.      Kindergartenstudents-------------One book

b.      Primaryschool students ----------------Two books or CDs

c.       Parent-teacherAssociation members----------Five books or CDs

d.      StudentLibrarians -------Four books or CDs

e.       ReadingParadise Members ------------Two books or CDs

3.      Others

Students can only borrow one newly arrived book onexhibition and no renewal is permitted upon due date. This is to give otherstudents the opportunity to read the new books.

C.      Borrowing,returning, and renewal procedures

1.       Borrowingprocedures

a.      Studentsshould borrow books during the library opening hours.

b.      Studentscan only borrow books with their own Octopus card.

c.       Studentsshould check their selected books out at the borrowing counter.

d.      Studentsshould beep their Octopus card whenborrowing the books. The student librarians will scan the bar code printed onthe book and chop the due date on the ‘due date sheet’.

2.       Returningprocedures

a.      Studentsare required to return the book to the library on or before the date specifiedon the ‘due date sheet’. Books returned later than the due date will beconsidered overdue.

b.      Studentsare required to return their books at the return counter.

c.       The studentlibrarians will scan the bar code printed on the book.

3.       Renewalprocedures: Student maycome back to the school and renew their book for once (You must also bring thebooks or CDs with you)

D.      Overdue,damaged or lost library items

1.       Overduebooks

a.      Booksreturned later than the due date specified on the due date sheet’ willbe considered overdue.

b.      Libraryteachers will issue to students an ‘overdue books reminder’ for them to returnthe books immediately.

c.       Studentswho fail to return the books or pay the fines for over two weeks will bepunished by having their handbook marked with a ‘X’.

d.      Studentswill be fined $1 per day if they fail to return the books upon due date. The maximumfine is $50 (excluding school holiday).

e.       Libraryteachers will distribute the arrears payment bill to the students every month.

f.       Studentswill not be allowed to borrow books until the payment is settled.

g.       Studentsmay pay the fines with their Octopuscard at the school hall. A receipt will be issued to the studentby the school office after the fine is paid, and the student is required tokeep the receipt for future reference.

h.      Studentsare required to pay the fines with their own Octopus card. If students are found paying the finesfor others, they will be subject to disciplinary action.

2.       Damageor loss of books

Studentswill be fined $50 for every damaged book that is beyond reparation. For any loss of books, the students are to buy new one at their own expense. If students fail to buy the original book,they are to pay the fixed fine of $50 as required by the library.

 * The library reserves the right of final interpretation and decision.Should you have any query concerning the above regulations, please contact thelibrarian.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.    Q: Howcan readers know if the library has the books they look for?

A: Readers may search for books using the onlinelibrary catalogue. The website of the online library catalogue is: 


2.    Q: Thelibrary item I want to borrow contains three CDs, but I only have two quotas.What can I do?

A: Even though the library item containsmultiple contents, it only counts as one library item.


3.    Q: Isaw a book that I wanted to borrow in the returned books box. Can I just takeit away?

A: No. The books inside the returned booksbox are to be shelved and should not be taken away.


4.    Q: CanI lend the books I borrowed to someone else?

A: No. Lending books that you borrowed toanother person may pose problems. Quite a number of borrowers lost their booksbecause they were lent to others. The original borrower will be heldresponsible for any loss or damage to the books and is subject to fines.


5.    Q: Canstudents take books awaywithout checking them out first?

A: No. Students must return the books tothe library immediately and give explanations of their improper procedure.


6.             Q: Ifteacher/ parent borrows books with his/her own Octopus card for a student but the student lost it, doesthe parent/ teacher need to pay the fines?

A: Yes, the fines are to be paidby the person who has borrowed books with their own Octopus card.


7.    Q: Ifthe borrower does not have time to return or borrow the books himself, can he ask someone else to do itfor him?

A: No. Borrowing or returning books onothers’ behalf may cause unnecessary arguments. For absent students who arenot able to return the books on time, the librarian will take intoconsideration their reason of absence and make necessary arrangements.


8.    Q:What should I do if I found that the due date printed on the book is wrong?

A: Please inform the librarian of themistake immediately to avoid unnecessary arguments.


9.             Q: Ifthe borrower returns the book back to the shelf directly rather than throughthe librarians at the return counter, will the book still be counted asreturned?

A: No. The borrower should retrieve thebook and return it to the librarian at the return counter for scanning. If the borroweris not able to retrieve the book, the book will be considered lost and a fineof HK$50 will be charged. 


10. Q: Can the borrower leave before thereturning procedure is completed?

A: No. Should there be any disputes overthis, the library computer system will be solely taken into consideration. Tosafeguard your interest, borrowers please make sure all the books have beenreturned to the school librarian before leaving.


11. Q: If I lost a book earlier and had alreadypaid $50 fine for it, but I found the book later, can I get my money back?

A: Sorry, no. All paid fines will not berefunded under any circumstances due to the time-consuming and complicatedadministrative procedures.


12.          Q: Isit true that students who fail to return the books or pay the fines on timewill not be allowed to borrow books from the library until the fines are paid?

A: Only borrowers who havereturned the books and paid the fines on time will be allowed to borrow booksfrom the library. For those whoclaim that they have already paid the fines, please producethe receipt issued from the school office. Borrowers arerequest to keep the receipt themselves as the receipt is the valid proof of payment settlement.


13.          Q:Kindergarten students are taken to the library by their teachers. Afterborrowing the books, they did not take the books home and could not findthe book. How will the librarydeal with it?

A: The book will be considered lost and the student willhave to return the book/ replace it with a new one to the library.


14. Q: If the borrower lost his book, will thelibrarians/teachers help find thebook for him?

A: No, the borrower should findthe book himself. The schoollibrary’s collection includes some 40,000 volumes of books. Please accept our apologies for not being ableto find the book for the borrower as this will affect the daily operation of thelibrary as well as the service provided by the library. Borrowers are advised to take good care of thebooks.


15. Q: I saw my classmates break the libraryregulations! What should I do?

A: Please report to the on-duty librarians or teachersimmediately. Do not try to handle it yourself.


16. Q: I need to pay the fines butmy Octopus card is running out of credits, can I pay the fines with cash?

A: Starting from 2013, all fines should besettled with Octopus card andpayment with cash will no longer be accepted. However, the fines shouldbe paid with your own Octopus card only; please add value to the card, bringalong the penalty notice and pay the fines in the School Office.  






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